A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Hannes Jarke about the mental health of young people

“What we have seen in the past five years is a massive increase in the number of suicidal thoughts among children and youth. All the current crises we face play a role, but it’s not the full picture. Suicidal thoughts in children are a scary wake-up call and a clear example that something needs to be done in this sense,” points out Mr. Hannes Jarke, Project Coordinator specialised in Mental Health Policy at EuroHealthNet.

Protecting the mental well-being of European youth: What can be done?

In Europe, the number of young people (aged 18-29) with mental health problems has at least doubled since the beginning of COVID-19. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among adolescents aged 15–19 in our continent. In addition, almost two-thirds of young people are at risk of depression. Mental health issues are now more than ever disproportionately impacting younger generations. So, what can and should be done to address the situation?

Tackling physical inactivity in Europe: how can we encourage a healthier lifestyle?

Despite the widely recognised advantages of an active lifestyle, including lowering the risk of chronic diseases and preventing premature death, Europeans don’t exercise enough. The data from the OECD’s report “Step Up! Tackling the Burden of Insufficient Physical Activity in Europe” showcase an alarming situation within Europe, as around 45% of Europeans declare that they never exercise or play sports.

Celebrating The International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Breaking Gender Stereotypes!

Today marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day to celebrate the invaluable contributions that women have made and continue to make to the scientific community. From Ada Lovelace, which is considered the first computer programmer much before computers were even invented, to Mae Carol Jemison, who reached her dream of travelling in space as the first African American woman to do so, women have been instrumental in shaping the course of scientific developments.